Dogs by Emily Gravett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
2010, March 6
I love Gravett's art, so would have enjoyed this book regardless. Actually, we all loved it, and everyone had to pick out their favorite dog. The picture of the Old English Sheepdog explosively shedding is worth the price of admission.
Library copy
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Sunday, September 08, 2024
Review: Dogs
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12:37 PM
Review: Blue Chameleon
Blue Chameleon by Emily Gravett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
December 4, 2011
Simple concepts such as one finds in board books, but in large, beautiful spreads. Really beautiful. Like, a great inspiration for a nursery beautiful.
Library copy
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12:32 PM
Review: A Song of Gladness
A Song of Gladness by Michael Morpurgo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
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12:30 PM
Review: Wolf Won't Bite!
Wolf Won't Bite! by Emily Gravett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I love Gravett's books: they're pretty, and funny with a nice twist, and the production values are high. In this case, the story actually begins on the front endpapers and ends on the back endpapers. Actually, we all love Gravett. The girls won't check out her books on their own, but if I do they will be happy to read them.
And yes, the pigs do remind us of Olivia, in a good way.
Library copy.
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12:08 PM
Review: Matilda's Cat
Matilda's Cat by Emily Gravett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
June 20, 2014
Matilda's cat doesn't like many things that Matilda would expect it to. But that's okay, because Matilda's cat like her.
The child and the cat are just fabulous. I especially love how Matilda recalls Max in his wolf suit. Brilliant.
Library copy
It's weird to me to look at previous dates read and see, for example, that I have only ever read this book in June and July. Why would that be?
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12:02 PM
Review: Wolves
Wolves by Emily Gravett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Part of my 365 Kids Books challenge. For a fuller explanation see my review for 101 Amazing Facts about Australia You can see all the books on their own shelf.
Without the opportunity to browse the shelves in the usual way I've been just thinking of an author I like, looking them up at each of my usual sources, and thus, acquiring as many as possible. So now: Emily Gravett.
15 May 2021
I don't know how or why, but somehow I had gotten the review for Again posted on the Wolves page. So now I'm correcting that.
This is a book about libraries and books, more than it is about wolves, but there's a fun metafictional book reading here: on one level a rabbit goes to a library and checks out a book and reads it and we get to see what it is.
But on another level we learn that wolves love to eat...
With an alternate ending for sensitive readers.
4 February 2007
We like twisted tales, so this was a big hit all around.
Library copy
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11:59 AM