Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Reading lost

I've been feeling the loss of Readerville. It's not as if I don't have plenty of people to talk books with, and yet...

I guess I'm worried that Noting:books won't be around forever, either. It isn't perfect for me (I always wanted a simple way to tag my best books), but it is sooo easy, to use, and such a nice design.

So, what to do? Finally use my blog to track my reading? Step up the LibraryThinging or the GoodReading? Go back to a spreadsheet? Nothing feels right. I just don't know what to do. Help me, internets.


Jody said...

I use LibraryThing to catalog my books, but I do that in fits and starts, and I've never used it to track my reviews of the books. I've heard, in bits and pieces, that Readerville is more popular in that regard.

Kristjan Wager said...

Later as ever. I am missing Readerville more than I thought I would, given how little time I spent there the last couple of years.

I am on both GoodRead and Librarything, but they don't have the same feel and functionality.

Rooie said...

Count me among the R'ville missers, too. I especially miss the ability to get hold of people easily! I tried to email you last night because I have a book you might's The Affinity Bridge by George Mann. Not wonderful but entertaining. Steampunk...automatons...zombies...Queen Victoria on life support....

Email me! Send me your address, as I am never sure I'm using the right one.

Kaethe said...

Ack! I can't bear to think that I miss out on a book with all that steampunk and zombie goodness!

I'll put up an email me link here, too.