Saturday, May 15, 2021

Review: The Odd Egg

The Odd Egg The Odd Egg by Emily Gravett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Part of my 365 Kids Books challenge. For a fuller explanation see my review for 101 Amazing Facts about Australia You can see all the books on their own shelf.

Without the opportunity to browse the shelves in the usual way I've been just thinking of an author I like, looking them up at each of my usual sources, and thus, acquiring as many as possible. So now: Emily Gravett.

While reconciling this entry with the one at BookLikes, I happened to catch the first line of someone else's review, which begins "like many infertile women" and I was totally there for a review that engages with the social mores reflected in a children's picture book. I love that shit.

And then I picked up the book and started to read it again for the first time in quite a while. I honestly didn't remember the story and my two sentences weren't revealing.

Page 3

Then duck found an egg!

He thought...


That was satisfying.

19 March 2009

Sweet and funny. The PandaBat guessed, but still really liked it.

View all my reviews

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